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~ The Alice's Mirror ~ |
Alice is happy with the afternnon in a secondhand market.
In a clothes dealer she bought a lovely irish lace night gown and on a stay a little old bronze mirror.
She closes her duplex door. It is in a new residence built in the old
town. There were warehouses, half-timbered houses. It's a great pity
that they have destroyed these houses, but they were deserted. Just
occupied by some squatters and dealers. Someones told that the houses
were haunted, that you could meet some strange people. There were some
archeological excavations, they found remains of gallo-roman buildings,
phenician houses, but all that have been stopped.
Anyway, Alice loves her very modern appartment
She climbs uo upstairs. Where there is the bedroom and the bathroom.
She wants to try the night-gown.
Alice undresses her, takes off the jacket of her amaranthine suit, the lace top and her skirt.
The night-gown is long, in a fine cotton near transparent. The cut is very simple:
a long rectangle with a hole to the head. But there is nice large lace trims.
A very beautifull irish lace.
Some little ribbons close the dress on the side. But the dress has very open
Alice is twirling around, doing pirouette. The light cotton caresses her, touches lightly her legs sheated in nylon.
She listens to her tinkling anckle chain.
" Let's go to the shower now. And this night-gown needs to be washed.
Anybody could fiddle with it" she is thinking that while undress her. She takes
her make-up off, she quickly has a shower, she dries herself and slip a satin
and tulle nightie.
Downstairs she has a light dinner with a piece of cheese and some bread. She drinks a glass of milk.
" I don't forget you nice mirror " she says finishing her cigarette.
Alice climb back upstairs. Her downed-mules click on the metallic stairs, then on the mezzanine while she comes near the bed, lies down and catches the mirror.
The mirror is certainly old. She takes the tortured-shaped handle.
" Ouch... It's sharp ! "
Alice looks at herself in the mirror. Then she turns it over. The back
has many ornamentations. " It seems that it can be opened." She exams
closely the surface, finds a little clasp...
The mirror opens out showing a metallic, soft, dark surface.
First Alice does not see anything. Then the metal becomes foggy, then the mist clears up...
A forest !
Alice can see a forest in the mirror. A dark forest with a crossing way.
" What is it ? " She wonders
" What is moving there ? "
There is a pale silhouette walking, coming towards her...She ?
It is big, covered with white fur. That has long ears.
Alice is thinking that it seems a great primate. A gorilla having rabbits' ears.
Suddenly the rabbit stops, turn its head...
"It can see me" she thinks, though her reason tells her that
is impossible.
While it is aproaching, Alice is hypnotized by the eyes of the beast. eyes like
It is very near now. She believes that she can smelt its breath.
It opens its mouth, shows its fangs with a cruel snarl.
It's not beautiful, brrrrrr ..."
Suddenly the monster's big paw bursts out of the mirror, grabs Alice by the
Alice yells, tries to beat offs the long fingers clasping her neck.
She is lifted up, captured, taken through the mirror.
Alice is choking, her throat crushed by the monster's paw.
He releases her, she flops down on the wet ground, she bangs her head and loses consciousness.
Alice opens her eyes. It's dark. She is shaking with fear. With cold so. She
realises that she is naked. Nearly.
The elastic of her pulled down tong hurts her tighs and she always wears her mules.
She tries to stand up, she can't. She realises that her wrists are tied back and that is neck is bounded with something hard and prickly.
When she moves her shoulders, that thing strangles her, scratches her skin. A yoke ?
She nevertheless successes to kneel on the wet and stony ground. Now she can
see in the darkness.
She can make out that she is in a deep pit. A rope tied to a trunk falls down towards her, behinf her
Suddenly she remembers the monster. It is a dream ! An dreadfull nightmare !
Alice tries to curl herself up. Then, is it the shock ? The fear ? The cold ? She falls asleep.
An awfull pain awakes her suddenly.
Alice is lifted up by the yoke that twists her shoulders, that strangles her.
The monster takes her, carries her. He follows dark galleries, finally he stops in a large cave.
There is a great fire somewhere, glowing red.
The monster ties Alice.
She is bent over, with her arms pulled back, near apart. Ropes tightened on stacks spread her legs.
The monster rabbit goes away, disapears in a blue grotto.
He comes back, holding a big cup and goes to the fire.
He is turning something. That sizzles, that smokes. A smell of grilled meat comes to the Alice's nostrils.
There, she can see a spitted animal above the embers.
Through the tears in her eyes, Alice realizes that it is not an cooking animal ...
She is shaking on her quatered legs: it is a woman there, with the spit running through her body.
" Nooo..." Alice yells with terror while the monster comes up to her. She sees that he has pulled out an arm, that he smells greedily.
He sits down in front of her, drinks in the cup.
He is eating now, he wolts the arms down. Alice can hear the chewing noises, the silky noises of the meat that he is tearing to pieces.
He gets up now, gives her the reddish liquid...
Blood !!! She nearly vomits, she want to spit out, but he holds her by the hairs and he forces the wood cup against her teeth..
She struggles, but she is obliged to swallow down.
Now she knows that he is behing her. She is trying to see him, she does not success.
He slips something hot between her thights. The rest of the poor girl's arm ?
She struggles in vain.
He is licking her now. Alice's mind is wheeling as a trapped doe. She would want to escape, to free herself.
She would want to...
The monster opens her buttock, he pushes, he sticks into her groin.
He fucks her for a long time, sometimes slowly, more often brutally.
He is chuckling, he is grrunting, he is breathing heavily.
To spurt in her. To soak her with his vile semen.
Then he comes in front of her.
Alice sees his pink organ, dripping, erected, obscene.
That he presents to her mouth.
The monster grasps Alice's hairs, shows his sex.
He slaps her in the face, she shouts, he stuffs his penis into her open mouth.
Alice chokes so much that he deeply pushes.
He moves Alice's head forward and backward.
He is rapping her throat.
He strikes her with half-eaten arm.
He grunts with pleasure when he spits his semen in the Alice's mouth, on her
face, in her eyes.
The nightmarish rabbit goes away to search something to eat.
Alice is crying.
Her tears are mixing with the sperme staining her face.
Alice leans over to relieve her shoulders.
She tries to bend her knees, to close her legs stabbed with cramps.
The monster comes back. He spices the roasted woman's thigh with the semen dripping from the Alice's gaping vagina.
Le monstre revient. Il épice la cuisse de la femme rôtie avec le sperme qui dégouline du vagin béant d'Alice.
He devours, he tears to pieces.
Then he rapes again Alice.
Later, many later, while nothing is left of the spitted woman, after he has raped Alice between each devoured piece, the monster unties the yoke.
Alice, with her hands always tied, with her legs always apart, falls down on the rocky ground of the cavern. The shock tooks her breath away as the weight of the monster falling down on her and raping her again and again...
Alice is dreaming that she is cold, that she wants to bury herself beneath the blanket, that she wants...
But it is not a dream, but a real nightmare.
She suddenly comes to, she remembers.
The little icy grotto where the rabbit hangs her with her feet. A meat safe !
Just near her, also hung by the feet, there is a woman's body partly dismembered, ripped, emptied of her guts.
The monster has stuffed Alice with them and chilli pepers.
The burn of the spice is coming back.
She remembers that he has force-fed her with entrails and chilli, that he has forced her to swallow, that he has filled her vagina and her anus with that disgusting stuff, pushing, packing with a pestle.
Her mouth burns, her vagina also, her anus is on fire but her body is frozen.
Alice would want to be able to scream...
She remembers the bone needle the monster used to sew up her after he has stuffed her as a poultry.
She remembers that he hung her, upside down, in that freezing cave he uses as meat safe.
She wiggles at the end of the rope, she struggles. She tries to straighten up. The horrifying pain gets worse.
Anyway. She keeps on tossing and turning. The pain drives her crazy.
She is like a mad pendulum whose swingings increase, increase.
She is moaning now, her eyes are rolling upwards. Her head is heavy with the blood accumulated by the hanging position. She is going to vomit.
She vomits. Into her sewed mouth.
She suddenly starts trembling violently, with cold, with terror.
She is sobbing.
A red veil darkens Alice's mind.
The first lash gives Alice a start.
The monster is back. He beats the meat to tenderize it.
Methodically. With a knotted-ends rope flogger
He aims at Alice's breast, her womb, her thights, her buttocks and her sewed vagina.
He hits as hard as he can.
Alice jumps, turns and whirls. Every lash carry her along in a lewd waltz, punctuated by the hissing of the whip, the dull noises of the lashes ripping her poor tortured body and her muffled whinings.
When the monstruous rabbit finishes, when he thinks that his pray is well tenderized, he grabs the long dagger staying plunged in the sex of the hanging body.
Alice is terrified; she does not think about her sewed orifices; she does not think about the fire of the chilli consuming her; she does not think about the burning of the whip. Appalled, she struggles in her bonds.
She screams, implores. But they are just smother rumbles.
She sees the monster approaching, the monster brandishing the knife, the monster being going to ...
The monster trusting the metal dagger into her sewed vagina...
To be continued ...