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~ The Alice's Mirror ~ |
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A week passes. Alice has no memories of the nightmare. She does not remember the mirror.
It is saturday afternoon and Alice comes back from the cinema. She thinks that she must do some cleaning.
That her lover could pick up his condom.
He is older than her, it is true. To do some cleaning is not his job. It is true also.
He irritates her with his "vieille France" manners.
But in the bed ! She forgets all his faults.
Suddenly she wants to be mad. She takes off her dress, keeps her jewels and her pantyhose and she ties a little apron around her waist.
She laughts to herself, she makes up a story thinking about her lover :
"I am the maid of the Casttle and I must polish everywhere. Surely the Casttle's Master is going to see me and he is going to take me here on the carpet."
She sweeps, she mops the floor, she cleans the bath-room, she changes the sheets.
" Well, I have forgotten the mirror I bought. Why is it behing the bed ?"
"Brrr...It's cold"
She looks at her erected nipples and she caresses her breast.
A sweet heath warms her womb while she is watching the mirror.
The back has many ornamentations. " It seems that it can be opened." She exams closely the surface, finds a little clasp...
The mirror opens out showing a metallic, soft, dark surface.
First Alice does not see anything. Then the metal becomes foggy, then the mist
clears up...
At this very instant, Alice has a feeling of "déjà vu" but...
First Alice don't see anything. Then little by little the metal seems to be misted over, a fog that clears, dispels...
A forest !
Alice can see a forest in the mirror. A dark forest with a path.
"What is it" she wonders.
"What is moving there ?"
"A rabbit, a little white cuddly rabbit"
Alice bursts out laughing, the rabbit is wearing glasses.
Something is disturbing her. Trees seems to be small.
Or the rabbit is a big rabbit ?
It is a big rabbit !
Looking at a fob watch to see what time is it ? In its pocket ?
Then it sings in a falsetto voice a bit of doggerel, bawdy lines :
"I am looking for a pink eglantine
To graft this budding flower
On a robust branch.
Where is that eglantine
So that I fuck her
And she sucks my cock"
"Ah, I see her, very anxious
Her smart mouth, ready to suck me."
"She is a budding flower
Hard job to prune, to layer.
I need to bend, to bound
Before she becomes a Rose."
Alice has a flash of memory. She remembers the gorilla-rabit.
Too late.
A stick with a slipknot emerges through the mirror, winds round her neck, takes her into the world of the mirror.
The rabbit is not a samall rabbit and it is very strong.
The slipknot is suffocating Alice.
She does not resist when the rabbit binds her hands, when it turns her over onto her stomach.
She does not resist when it tears her pantyhose and when he rapes her with little jerky knocks.
She does not resist when it ties her anckles and when it passes a long bamboo stick between her bound members.
It ties up her neck and it fastens Alice and the stick on a sort of cart.
Alice rears up to do not rub her face against the ground. To do not strangle her so.
The rabbit takes her away, as a spitted fowl, towards she does not know where.
The cart jumps on the ruts of the way and with each jolt, the ropes strangling Alice, chokes her more.
She yells, she implores but only raucous croaking can get out of her throat.
Alice is thinking that the nightmare starts again, the nightmare she has forgotten.
But it is worse...
What a voice !
Screaming lines in a shrill voice:
"The eglantine is taken.
And her submissive flower,
is promised to my dick "
"She's a budding floweret.
Pruning, layering, cutting back are hard jobs.
She had to be bent, bound,
Before she becomes a Rose"
The rabbit stops and lights on a lantern.
Alice can see a glasshouse, a soilheap, a shovel, a hole.
Some marvellous rose trees.
The rabbit is still singing when it takes off brutally the Alice's jewels before it lifts her up with the bamboo.
And it drops her down the bottom of the hole.
The bamboo drives into the ground and the rabbit knocks it in with the shovel.
Alice closes her eyes, tries to struggle : nothing to do. She is and remains standing tied to the bamboo, into the hole.
That the rabbit is filling in.
" To prick out cleverly,
the roots had to be covered with wet soil"
The rabbit throws, shovelfuls after shovelfuls, some black soil, wet and slimy. Sometimes it knocks the stick to drive in more.
"Good compost, humus,
So that she sucks my carrot"
Alice sees with horror, the soil coming right up to her legs, to her groin, to her breast.
She beseechs, she implores.
But the rabbit mercilessly goes on filling in again the hole and soon Alice is burried right up her neck.
And the rabbit is still singing when it starts to cut, to slash the Alice's hair with big scissors using its pawn without finger:
"Too much hair, toomuch hair.
In march don't forget to hoe, to shave"
Alice, horrified, closes her eyes to do not see her sacrified hair.
The rabbit is strangling Alice.
She is groaning.
She opens wide her mouth to snap up some air.
The rabbit forces a retractor between the Alice's lips and it opens it at the maximum.
Then it tightens more the garrotte.
Alice's eyes are popping out of her head, her tongue bursts out.
Alice does not feel the hook the rabbit sticks in her tongue to stretch it more.
Because a red veil is covering her mind and she faints.
The rabbit, still singing, is continuing its nasty job.
It fixes the hook to a stack, loosens, a bit, the garrote and it fastens it to another stack.
Then it stands up, gazes at its work.
"Too much frost, too much frost.
In february don't forget to protect, to mulch."
It picks up the Alice's hair, rakes the humus and covers the hole and the Alice's head with a plastic canvas it stacks all around.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow,
The eglantine will be taken.
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
I have to prune and cut more.
"She is a budding flower
Hard job to prune, to layer.
I need to bend, to bound
Before she becomes a Rose."
Later, Alice comes back to life, stricken with an awfull feeling of oppression.
She wants to take in a lungful of air mais she can not: on her breast, on her belly, on her back, there is a sort of weight.
She opens her eyes, it is dark. First she can see nothing, then a pale blue light. But all is blured.
Alice is exhausted, she closes her eyes again.
She yawns... No she does not yawn: something is spreads open her jaws.
A drop of sweat run down her face, ticking her nose.
She wants to dry it. Her arms do not move.
Alice realize that she is completely immobilized. That she can hardly move her finger.
She tenses her hands. She thinks they are in sand...
Suddenly Alice remembers all.
The rabbit.
The slipknot, the bamboo.
The ropes cutting her anckles and her wrists.
She remembers the burial.
Her hairs picked up by the rabbit.
The garrotte always hurting her neck.
The retractor distending her lips.
Somewhere a woman is moaning. Alice wants to call.
Alice lifts her head: pain.
Something is pulling her tongue outside her gaping mouth.
Something tearing, piercing.
Alice feels the hysteria coming. She wants to move, to escape.
She wants to yell her terror.
Her jaws start to shake spasmodicly, pulling out her hooked tongue.
Alice closes her eyes, tries to breathe deeply.
The soil pressing her body, hampers her respiration. She pants like a little dog.
The shivers stop little by little.
The air is close, tainted, smelling the damp soil, stinking the fear and the sweat.
Alice realizes that the blue light is the fact of the canvas covering the hole.
She is afraid of dying of asphyxia.
It brings tears to her eyes and she can not hold back her tears.
A great noise makes her ...start. Just a way to speak, because she can not really move.
It is the rabbit removing the sheet.
"Today, today,
The eglantine is taken.
Today, today,
I have to prune and cut more."
It comes. With a razor in its hand.
Alice implores " Please, let me go, don't hurt me, release me"
But her pulled tongue just can voice inarticulate sounds.
The rabbit is not worried about that. It sits down behind Alice's head and finishes the broken job.
The razor squeaks on the Alice's skull. It cuts, it shaves, it crops.
It is a painstaking rabbit. It wants a nice piece of work.
The razor does not slip, does not graze.
Now Alice is closely-cropped.
Her skull's skin is shining in the light of the morning.
Singing, the rabbit rakes a bit to pick up the hair.
"Too much tongue, too much tongue.
In february don't forget to cut and prune."
And with a wide and precise gesture it slits the Alice's tongue.
The fire of the razor is dreadfull. She yells out with pain.
Her head goes back, hurts the stick, goes forward.
The garrotte stops it.
Alice is crazy with pain and horror.
Alice est folle de douleur et d'horreur.
Her screams drowning in the blood now inflects in ugly gurglings.
"Water, water
and good mineral salts.
So that the eglantine will become a Rose,
we have to overdo it.
Drink, drink, you must to do it.
Unless you want to fill up your nostrills."
The rabbit waters the hole, waters Alice.
The liquid is rising, rising.
It reaches the Alice's mouth, her nostrils. Now she can not breathe.
So Alice drinks, sucks, swallows the sweet and bitter liquid.
She gasps, she coughs but she drinks.
And the level goes down.
No ! It goes up again. The rabbit pours out one more can.
You have to drink, Alice. You have to drink.
And she does drink, knocks herself out swallowing with her gaping mouth, that can not lap.
"Bravo, bravo. She dares be metamorphosed.
The eglantine will soon become a Rose.
Lets us baptize her now.
Rosa Alicia, it's charming"
Alice hear nothing. She is bloated with all that liquid, she is nauseous.
The rabbit puts on something on the head of Alice, something she can not see. Something crocheting her nostrils, something distending them, pulling them up.
It brings tears to her eyes. She can see the metallic flash of the awl that the rabbit drives into her nasal septum.
Alice whines, Alice mumbles a "Pity"
A ring follows the awl. With a heavy bell.
"Against the beasts,
Move your head"
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"*
While the rabbit passes a plastic collar in the hole of her ear, while he puts amedal with her name "Rosa Alicia", with the day of her baptism "July 16th 2006", Alice thinks that the Jabberwock is not worse than this mad rabbit.
"Bravo, bravo. She dares be metamorphosed.
The eglantine will soon become a Rose.
Lets us baptize her now.
Rosa Alicia, it's charming.
It's your name now.
Your pain is going to be rewarded.
Your pain deserves semen"
Alice, moaning, her eyes misted with tears, sees the rabbit coming in front of her. Alice sees its hairy sex and its pink glans.
The rabbit pushes its dick into the stretched and offered mouth.
* From "Through the Looking-Glass" LEWIS CARROLL
Alice does not know the time she passes here, buried.
The gardener rabbit is very particular about the care it gives to its future Roses.
Because Alice has understood, hearing sobs and moannings, that there are other women burried under the glasshouse.
The rabbit waters on all the morningsand on all the evenings.
It comes, removes the canvas and pours some cans.
Alice drinks greedily.
To do not be drowned but also because she is starving and thirsty.
The liquid is her only food and drink, it feeds her and slakes her thirst.
Because the heat in the glasshouse and under the canvas is sometimes unbearable.
Also the liquid acts on the physiology of her body and on her mental state. She knows that.
If not how can she stands up to this vacuity, to the ropes binding her and to the madness making her yelling sometimes ?
To the humiliating fellatios following the watering ?
To the spunk of the rabbit dripping from her mouth, sometimes sticking one eye until the next watering ?
She does not even think about a release. Does a rose think about an escape?
Even from a nightmare ?
Because Alice does know she is living a nightmare. But she can not put an end to that. She can not even pinch her to come round.
She is planted here, forced in a total stillness.
She urinates and defecates under her. She feels the tepidness down her body when she loosens her bowels.
She is vegetable, she a constantly evolving rose( evolving to what, she does not know), buried beneath the compost, staked up, bound and tied up, gasping for breath with the pressure of the soil, sweating under the canvas.
She is waiting for the return of the gardener torturer that treats and water her on the morning and on the evening; that weeds the garden, including her skull that it shaves often; that rakes up the soil, levels it.
She is impatiently waiting for these moments when she is not a simple plant. These moments where she become a person. Even if this person is a poor woman bound, tied up, buried. A woman with a gaping mouth that the rabbit uses shameless. An unfortunate defenceless woman swallowing the spunk shooted by the cock of the mad rabbit.
Mad and sadistic but painstaking in the good health of its roses.
Alice can remember the fury of the rabbit when some insect creeps into her vagina, into her anus or into her mouth.
Alice is mad with disgust and fear.
She feels the little claws hanging on and knitting inside her intimate parts. Inside her.
She shakes her head as a demented person, she yelps, she whines. The bell rings and rings again.
The rabbit comes, drawn to the noise.
It quickly understands. It is very angry and it stamps its feet with rage.
"Bad, bad insects
Lets wipe out, lets wipe out.
Quick, quick"
It jumps to find a watering can and it empties it in the hole then in the Alice's gaping mouth.
It is an acid liquid, different from the usual liquid and it burns.
It comes back with another can and empties it again.
Alice feels molted lead like running into her oesophagus, then into her stomach...
The insect is gone !
She nodes her head when the rabbit ask her:
"Is the insect gone ?
Poor, poor rose.
A sweetness, quick !
To soothe the pain"
And the rabbit stuffs its hairy dick in the Alice's gaping mouth.
For some times, Alice is sprouting. Or the level of the soil is going down.
When it hears her screaming, it cavorts.
"The fruits seems to be ripe
To be sure,
Lets clear, lets clear
The rosehips"
Cautiously, with a little hoe, it scrapes the humus.
Cautiously it bares the Alice's breast.
Who suddenly feels nude, after these days and days inside the ground.
The rabbit pushes the soil, just above the top of the cleavage.
"Rosehips ? they aren't.
They are melons !
Unripes, unripes.
But they need light"
Since this day, the rabbit replaces the canvas with a glass cloche.
Alice is amazed at her breast.
She passes the day looking at them growing. But it is right that she can not
doing anything else and that they are just in front of her eyes.
They seems to come up and to make swell up.
So much the rabbit stakes up them with rings, now piercing her nipples and
strings stretching her breast out of the soil.
There is also her sex quivering incessantly, greedy for being watered. Alice thinks that it is the liquid she drinks.
Perhaps also the heat.
Because it is terrible under the cloche and the air is hardly breathable.
Nevertheless, in the day, the rabbit puts a wooden wedge to tilt the cloche.
Alice can breath nearly normally, the overheated air coming from the glasshouse.
But it removes the wedge during the night
Pourtant, dans la journée, le lapin glisse un coin de bois pour incliner
la cloche.
Alice peut respirer presque normalement, l'air surchauffée qui provient
de la serre.
Mais il enlève le coin pour la nuit.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"
it is singing.
So the night are terrible for Alice because the cloche is almost airtight.
And she is on the verge of blackout, on the verge of asphyxia, when she finally sees the rabbit arriving to water its plantations. The rabbit lifts up the cloche, Alice breathes deeply.
The rabbit pours one can, two cans...
Alice bends her head the more she can, the garrotte strangles her, but the liquide is too far.
Another can, the liquid goes up. Another.
The liquid flows into her throat. Alice chokes on swallowing, coughs but she
keeps on drinking greedily.
Sometimes Alice is dreaming inside her dream. A strange dream she does not understand. Adding further to the nightmare.
Alice is dreaming that she is chained inside a dark, humid and malodorous dungeon. She wears the clothes she has kept under the soil, she... In fact she is exactly as in her nightmare. Except that she is in this dungeon. And chained to the freezinng wall. Then there is this man appearing, dark-dressed, with a halo of red light.
Alice knows him: he is the secondhand goods dealer who sold the malefic mirror. He opens the dungeon bars and goes down. He comes closer and says things she does not understand.
- You are well taken now. Chained in my magic spell. The book told right and the incantation worked perfectly. Tell me Alice ? Do you remember the mirror when you come to ?
Alice makes "hon-hon" with her gapping and untongued mouth.
- Ah well, it has cut your tongue ! It's a nice idea, women are too talkative. And the rings ! That rabbit will always surprise me with its inventiveness. As that drug pumping up the breast. Do you see Alice ? Each pain of yours develops my magic power. When I'll finish with you, I'll be the greatter wizard.
The man removes his dress, he is naked.
Alice yells when he pulls one of the rings piercing her nipples.
- On your knees, Alice. I want to take advantage of these pretty lips.
And he has a wank into the Alice's quartered mouth.
" Too bad for your tongue. You could make a better job with it" he says when he shoots his load into the Alice's mouth and on her face.
- Next times I'll rape you. If you are cleanest. Because now you are really stinking.
And he closes the dungeon bars, leaving Alice, chained in the red darkness, stained.
Alice who is waking up inside the glass-house.
One day the rabbit replaces the retractor by a ring gag.
It is singing while it removes the retractor.
"To have pink and fleshy lips,
To have a round cocksucker's mouth"
The Alice's jaws do not move and her mouth stays wide open.
The rabbit forces its dick between the Alice's lips, it quickly jerks off into, shoots its load half into, half out.
Then it fastens the gag.
The Alice's mouth, whose muscles seems atrophied, becomes round around the ring.
Alice thinks she probably looks like a cocksukker because the rabbit stuffs its prick into her offered lips.
One day, the rabbit decides she is ripe.
One day it uproots Alice.
She is lying on the ground, unbound, completely drained, her muscles being atrophied, her joints being seized up, unable to make the least movement.
She has difficulty in moving her neck and head, to see it, the gardener rabbit.
It holds secateurs in its paw. Alice is scared and she is wondering what it is going to inflict on her.
She heaves a sigh of relief when it just cuts and tears off the rest of her thights, her apron and it throws her moldy heels.
The water surprises her. She cries out a bit. The rabbit washes her with a big
scrubbing brush. Everywhere.
She screams out when it brushes her crotch as vigorously as the rest of her body.
When it spreads her thights, when it arranges her arms, her hands in a harmonious
manner (in its own desire) she knows that it is going to rape her.
Alice is quite hot and wet. Her vulva is puffed out. She can just moan when the rabbit penetrate her.
"The Rose is submissive.
And her delightful flower,
Is taken by my dick"
It is working on her, in her, it shakes her.
At the end of her field of view, she can see her enormous breast bouncing under the thrust of the rabbit.
And... It is awfull. Her womb is coming.
Her vagina is run by mad spasms.
Alice is squeaking, carried by the storm of this first orgasm.
The rabbit turns her upside down, spreads her buttocks.
Alice, laid on her big breast as balloons, groans when the prick of the rabbit forces her anus.
But she quickly feels a second orgasm coming.
She is wailing, she is crying with shame and pleasure when the next orgasm devastes her body and her mind in this bestial coitus.
And with her mouth filled with the cock of the rabbit, she faints out from this vile pleasure.
And filled with an overflow of sperm.
To be continued ...