Slowly I wake up from a nightmare.
It's seems my head is empty, my body too. I have a feeling that I am
floatting somewhere. Somebody is talking to me. A woman.
- At last you wake up, slave. My
name is Brunhild, a nurse in that hospital.
She is really pretty, radiant,
dressed with a see-through white coat. With a swatiska on her
breast. A swatiska ???
She is speaking french with a
light accent... a german accent, it seems.
- You stay out of phase during a
long time. Didn't you know it's prohibited to go in the old
laboratory ? You're french. Are you ? During your coma, you were
speaking. A speaking slave, it's curious...
- I ... My name is Agnes. Yes
I speak with difficulties and I
don't understand anything . And I'm so exhausted.
My eyes close and I fall asleep.
Later (when, I don't know), I wake
up anew. It's dark. I'm in an hospital room. In intensive care. Where ?
Without thinking I scratch my nose. Oh ! My slave ring ! it has
disappeared. I could lament over that. And I do when I realize that my
hair have disappeared too. I slowly moan before I go back to sleep
Time flies and I recover little by
little. The nurses come several
times a day. They’re as like as two peas in a pod: like twin
tall, well built, wide hip, round buttocks and heavy breast; blonde,
blue eyed; the same voice. They are difficult to tell apart. Except
Hylda, who is pregnant.

- Our brother
Tomas made the baby. He is going to come soon.
So I hear they are all
sisters/brothers, twins.
Don't ask me about that. At this
instant, I didn't know anything about it happened there.
I had just
understood that we were in Germany. A nazi Germany. I had heard that
they were going to celebrate the Third Reich centenary. You can imagine
my astonishment ! Anyway the women are charming with me. The
doctor too. Or the doctors. If there were twins nurses, there were
probably twins doctors ?
This doctor (one of the brothers doctors
!) tells me that we are in the province Gauleiter Baron Otho von
Juncker 's estate infirmary. He tells me also that all the men and
women living there, are Gauleiter's sons or daughters.
At this instant, I think that Baron von
Juncker must have lots of energy. And about his poor wife... But
perhaps Baron has many wifes ?
Suddeenly doctor pull down the blanket. I'm not
a really prudish woman, like all people in our 22nd century, but now
I'm ashamed of my poor emaciated body and I try to hide my womb.
The nurse stops my movement grabbing my wrist.
- Where are you from, slave ?
- This brand doesn't conform to the regulations. Is your Master with you ? He doesn't recover. Where are you from ?
All those brothers and
sisters are so inconsistent that I have trouble understanding them.
their words jump from an idea to another, without waiting for an answer.

And now doctor forgets the question and goes to
take her sister, there on the draining board. It's not the first time I
see them copulate in front of me but that always offends me.
là, il oublie la question
pour aller
prendre sa soeur sur la paillasse de l'évier. Ce n'est pas
première fois que je vois les frères et les
coppuler devant moi, mais cela me choque toujours.
Am I so transparent to their eyes ? A simple slave? Or are they simply great children with no modesty ?

At last my stay
in the intensive cares ends. I am weak but better. On that day... I
don't know how many times I stayed in that room... one of the
nurse, I think she's Katrin, takes me to an ordinary room. |
A room in
the women quarter, all pink painted.
- We will be quiet there... They say that french women make love very well. Do you want to show me ?
To show her ? I can't say yes or not because she undresses me quickly and...
I don't want to explain more about this extravagant situation. And Katrin is a good lover. |


Like her sisters and brothers. In the following days, they are going to make love with the little french woman.
And... well... It was not so unpleasant.
While the weeks
flies, I recover slowly. Some walks , often with Katrin, make me visit
the Gauleiter's estate: the fortress, the monument in praise of Reich
and a deep forest in the distance.
So I discover the slaves: artificially created beings, cloned
and selected with their smallness. Their intelligence is voluntarily
limited and I realize that they are mute. Their tongue is cut when they
had only just been born.
Those slaves, males or females, make all the manual and ordinary chores
in the estate: gardening, housework, little repairing, always
dressed with those clothes in a synthetic and seethrough material. |



When I visit
Professor, in his room, I have difficulties, recognizing him: he has
lost many weight and all hair and beard are fallen. |


Then, Professor comes out from the coma. And he speaks... |