A big noise woke up Helene. It was a different man, opening the door of the cell.
With coffee, toasts, eggs and bacon. All that smelt very good and Helene discovered she was really hungry.
- Get up! On your knees, at the side of the bed.
Helene obeyed. The chain was very short, so she had to stretch her arms.
- It's 5 h 30 and you have to be ready before the house wakes up. We have two hours to prepar you
- To prepar ? for what ? |

- You'll see. But first the blow job. Do you prefer before or after breakfast ?
- Uh...
What a question! Helene is thinking.
... before please?
No problem, let's go show me your know-how
Brute ! The man grabbed Helene's arms and bent her down to his turgescent member.
- You have to learn to swallow the cum. You can eat now. You have twenty minutes.
-Did you finish ? So go to the bath. |
- Clean yourself up. But making-up is not necessary.

- Bend over. Your little ass up. I'm going to fill your holes. Then I'll cork them so you'll keep my sperm.

- Now you can't spit out.
- I turn the key one more time to lift your little face up. |
- Well done. You're nearly ready. The eyes patches now... |
- Let's go honey.
Then the man pull on the leash. Helene, blindfolded, surprised, groaned with pain. The unexpected traction plunged more the dildo and the plug raping her womb and her bottom.

- Come on, quick ! There are six steps more.
To hurry up ? Helene would like that. Even with this hand pushing her buttocks and the leash pullong her, she couldn't hurry up. To climb the stairs was nearly impossible. And yet she succeeded, walking crabwise. But the tight very corset stifled her and forbad any movement of her waist. She twisted her torso to find a balance, tormenting her breast.
- It's a pity, you can't see anything. The boss put downstairs a superb statue. It's seems living. |
- And you'll be the second statue. Go on Gert. But slowly. We haven't to damage the honey. We're just going to hoist you up by the neck.
- Go on, go on... more. Are you OK, Honey ?
OK ? Helene thought they were going to hang her anew, when she loost her balance, when she felt that they were hoisting her up. |
- Pretty girl !
- Yes she is. She has a tight little ass. Superb. And she sucks well.
- It's normal, she is a dyke. And dykes suck well.
- But she has a man.
- It's all a façade. She is a dyke. When you fuck a girl you're a dyke.
- Eyh, oh, I do fuck girls and I'm not a dyke |
- You're a man. It's not the same thing at all.
- Is it ? You're reassuring myself. I'm not a queer-dyke fucking woman.
- No! you're getting it all mixed up. I'll explain
Helene didn't want to hear all that rude words. She didn't listen to them, but she concentrate on her balance. Delicate. And on all the restraints she had to endure. Also she was thinking about Agnes. Agnes could invent that. Agnes had to invent that. Helene had to imagine that. To endure the position, the corset strangling her waist, the posture collar stretching her neck, the straps dislocating her shoulders and that things filling her mouth, her buttock and her womb.
Agnes, it would be good if you imposed that...
But sadly, Agnes is not the Mistress now.
Hours were passing. Somewhere there was a clock chiming.. hours? half an hour ? quarter of hours ?
Voices ? |
- Did you see ? There is a new statue
- Yep. Strange, like the other one. We are going to need a ladder to clean it.
- Boss is very strange. And these uniforms we have to wear. With no panties.
- Yep but he pays well. very well. Do you know other job like that ?
- No. I don't. Before I was paid 5 as less. And men are cool. If I was naked like that in other place I would be fucked by all men.
- Once I made a little treat to Gert . He has big one
- And Andreas too.
And the two maid burst out laughing.
- Too many dust on that stuff. Above all there
One of the girls chuckled.
- It's not often used. Me, I haven't dust here. |
Helene moaned a bit, swung a bit. Girl's chattering deafened her inside the silence of her restraints. What were they doing no ?
Metallic noises.
- Hey ! There is a mobile inside buzzing ! No, she is a real girl ! With a thing inside! Do you know, the vibra-thing! What have I to do ? Do I duster her ?
- No ! You can see, she's not dirt. She is used often. She is
The two girls moved away, laughing. Helene was alone anew. |
.................................... |
Ten had just been struck. Then the half.
Helene was there from three hours. She was terribly thirsty. Her neck, her legs, her feet, her jaws... were hurting. She was painfully feeling the corset whalebones et the exhausting presence of the vibrator inside her womb. Did the cells never stop ? Also Helene wanted to pushed out the plug dilating her anus. Then there were the smells. Her sweat. Because Helene was soaked innside the latex bodysuit. It was running on her eyes, on her nose. Between her breasts too. That set her on edge. She would like to scratch. And she would like to dispel the other smell: the disgusting odour of men's sperm, they raped her.
The clock ! One more time.
Footsteps on stairs. A woman with heels. Some more footsteps, pading along. |
- Good morning my child ( The despicable Professor speaking !), Do you come to give me your thesis ?
A noise ! Somebody was fallen over ? |
- My child, I hope you didn't hurt yourself ?
- No I didn't... I don't think so. The statue moved. Is it a person ?
- Yes she is. A friend who love's to be tied.
- It's dreadful.
- No it's not. She do love that. Come on Kathryn, let's go and read your work. |
Eleven o'clock. Helene had had it. But an idea was just forming in her mind. She was a victim... she became a layer:
Helene, my girl, you can't count on Agnes. She explained her weaknesses.
- considering that she is fully shackled, with chrome-steel saping her strength
- considering that mad people will never release you, you have to be the layer you are.
You have to submit.
You have to follow their case. Then You can counter later.
It's mean that you are going to suck, to be fucked and buggered by all pricked people in that house.
Until you'll find the cock you can grasp and that it will make you win your case. |