Not my end. And not Helene's one. We are immortal, don't forget that.
So we have left France to a caribbean island. An island where laws is very clement about anonymous bank accounts. 1700 years of life gave a certain gold and jewels fortune to me. My assets are in some countries, called "tax haven", like that island where Helene and me are living. When Van Glück massacre will be forgotten, we can come back to Europa. In about 10 years.
Today we are on the beach, Helene was insistent, telling I am too white, like an aspirin pill. I accepted despite I don't understand that modern way. I'm persuaded of polite society must not be like peasants, with a tanned skin and wrinkles on the face... What a pity ! O tempora, o mores...So we are basking in the sun, nearly alone on the sand. No. A man passes, running.
I ask Helene the reason why he is running.  |