Another little word... About the translation. It's my own work. I'm not really fluently but I tried to do a correct job. But don't forget : Julie lives only in the present. She doesn't know anything else. No past, no future. So she uses only the present. In her mind burned by the drugs, she is quite an animal, nearly a thing. In my original french text, I used special words and grammatical rules to show that. I hope I translate correctly these meannings. Thanks JANUARY...
A moist and frosty wind that chills the
bones, sweeps the streets of the town. Dark suit, tailor made, overcoat
of rich astrakan wool, a heavy leather suitcase to hand, ![]() Somewhere.
And some months later.
wake up.
groan, I stumble.
GGG..... Master pulls the rein. It's stretch my udder. I bend my head to not be hurt. I move on. Master whips my bottom. I move faster. The sulky cock is in my cunt. It dilates me. The whig flaps near my ears.
I'm moving. I'm trotting. I'm galloping. Nice
weather. It's cool. The bell in front of my eyes has a nice noise.
Master puts me in the right way.
My udder hurts me.
He whips me hardly.
I cry out with pain.
Master is annoyed.
I am not good
and obedient.
He punishes me with
the whip. He shouts bad words.
I gallop faster.
The whip burns my skin. The bit tears my mouth.
I dribble, I sweat.
I stink like a bad female.
Mistress is
waiting in the court with another animal.
I cry. I
am not good and obedient. I am punished.
Master and Mistress are talking together.
I listen some words that I don't understand:
"... to increase the doses of euphoriant, to reduce the doses of oestrogene..."
Yes ! I hear !
" She needs to be covered..."
Cover ? Yes.
My legs are trembing. I want. Cover... Yes.
Downstairs there are stallions.
They are locked in well closed rooms. With very hard bars.
Because stallions are very strong.
And they have big dickes. Very big.
It hurts a bit when it enters. But after it's good.
Covering ? Yes. I want. Covering ...Yes.
Mistress gives me water to drink.
I drink. I am good and obedient.
Mistress unties my legs...
... pusches me into the room of Marcel.
He stands up. The chains make noise. He opens his large arms. He snorts.
I'm frightened. But I want. Covering... Yes.
Mistresse helps me with the electric wand.
Marcel catches me. Yes... Covering, yes.
I'm a bit frightened. Marcel is huge. He gets an enormous dick.
Covering... Yes. Covering.
He hugs me with his legs. He pusches me in the haycock.
Aaaaaaaaaaah. He sinks into my pussy.
That's awfull... It's... Good.
Covering... Yes covering.
He crushes me. But ... Yes. Covering. Yeeeees
Again !
Marcel is nice. He gives me to eat.
It's not the food for the females.
But he pushes my head.
I'm not good and obedient. I eat the food for males
Marcel is asleep. Marcel snores.
I am not asleep. I am well taken.
I'm strange in my head.
I'm not good and obedient. I think about bad things.
I think... I'm not an animal .
I'm thinking that the food is making something in my head.
I'm thinking the male food makes the contrary of the female food.
I'm thinking that I'm not an animal. Not a female. Not a male. Not an animal.
I'm thinking... Before.
Yes. Before is'nt now.
Before I'm covered by Marcel.
Before before I pull the sulky.
But before before before ...
And before before before before... ?
Mistress drives me.
I pull the sulky. I'm covered. My vulva is hot.
I'm good and obedient. I pull the sulky.
A stone trips me up. The sulky falls down. Mistress too. To the ground.
I'm not good and obedient. Mistress is angry with me. She flogs me.
It's hurting me. I kick her with my boots. I hurt her. She stays to the ground. She is fainted.
I'm not good and obedient. Mistres is to the ground.
I remember. I am not an animal.
I remember. Mistress brands me.
I remember. Mistress rings me.
I remember. Mistress cuts my tongue so that I do not speak..
I don't remember but Mistress pulled out my teeth when I was asleep.
I don't remember. Mistress cuts something in my hands so that they become legs.
I remember. Mistress caged me.
I remember my hands in the mittens.
I remember this liquid that I sucked from a latex penis, my food and drink.
This liquid that puffed out my breast and my sexe.
This liquid that burned my humanity.
This liquid that slowly transformed me in an animal.
I remember this empty space that filled up my soul
I loved him.
I loved His odor, His taste.
Master filled up my mouth with His semen.
I swallowed what I can swallowed.
With my lips I tried to suck what it's running on my shin.
I was owned by Him. The female number 117. That Master named sometimes Julie.
When I was good and obedient.
Nooooooo !
I hate him !
I have to run away...
... To be continued ...