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Jade, slave
of time
New Scientist (novembre 2021)
A recent discovery made by the E.I.T.R (the European
Institute for Temporal Research) is certainly going to change the way historical
research is conducted. The E.I.T.R has indeed announced that a scientist
was able to travel back in time and to return to the present. The system
designed by the E.I.T.R sent Richard Grunbaum in 1989, in Berlin. The material
proofs and the various pictures leave no doubt about the validity of the
experiment. The temporal explorer describes the experiment as a unique
experience but also a rather horrid one. It would seem that the method
used so far by the prototype is particularly painful for the traveller...
La Stampa (marzo 2036)
L'enigma del Sudario di Torino finalmente risolto
dai cercatori dell'Istituto di Ricerca Temporale.
(The enigma of the shroud of Turin finally resolved by
the researchers of the E.I.T.R....)
El Pais (Agosto 2037)
El laboratio IRTE (Instituto de investigacion europea
del espacio-tiempo) ha sido victima de una ataque informitico. Ficheros
pertenecientes al proyecto 'Maquina del Tiempo' han
sido pirateados.
(The E.I.T.R research facility's computer has been hacked.
Ultra-confidential files related to the 'Time Machine' project have been
stolen. )
France Soir (février 2042)
Selon des sources sures, les nombreuses disparitions
de jeunes femmes qui endeuillent l'Europe toute entière auraient
pour cause l'utilisation criminelle de la machine à explorer le
temps. Le Parlement de Strasbourg a décidé de créer
une commission extraordinaire afin d'enquêter sur ces enlèvements.
La Commission d'enquête sur les Crimes temporels (CECT) sera forte
de 12 membres et disposera de moyens importants, tant budgétaires
Le Prince Dominique de Lizaigne, gouverneur du Berry,
nommé à la tête de la commission s'est refusé
à tout commentaire. Mais il semblerait que des pistes s'ouvre déjà
aux enquêteurs...
(According to reliable sources, the numerous disappearances
of young ladies all over Europe could be related to a criminal use of the
Time Machine. The Strasbourg Parliament has decided to create an extraordinary
committee charged with the investigation of these abductions.
The Board of Inquiry on Temporal Crimes (BITC) will group
12 members and will rely upon huge resources, both financial and human.
Prince Dominique de Lizaigne, governor of Berry, appointed Head of the
Board, refused to issue any comment. But it would seem that the investigators
are already following some serious leads...)
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Jade was walking fast. Mid-May, the day had been real nice and sunny. But when the night had settled in, a damp coolness had taken over. Jade was a young and nice-looking girl, only twenty-five years old. She was a university student, studying foreign languages, and she had been elected by her peers to be a member of the Board of the University as one of the students' representatives. This particular evening, the Board had met, and Jade had been present as she always was. The meeting lasted more than usual, and around 10pm, she was now walking back towards her little apartment, located in an urban zone under renovation. With every step, her high-heel shoes echoed fiercely on the broken asphalt. She shivered in the cool breeze while passing under the high walls of an old and desolated factory. And the cold air kept on twirling her skirt... Her father, a broken man who had been fired recently and was trying to forget his condition in cheap liquor, was constantly criticising her clothing habits: " you dress like a whore", was his usual comment... Of course, Jade had fought back: "Everyone dresses like that today, Dad. Don’t be an old bag..." Her father had mumbled his disagreement, helped himself to another shot and settled in front of the TV, losing himself in the vacuity of the programs... Maybe she should have put on a pair of jeans rather than this mini-skirt; and a pair of tights instead of the stay-up stockings that made her legs so nice to look at, but were no barrier against the cold air. The top of her thighs was freezing cold, not mentioning her crotch... Jade laughed at herself: luckily enough, she had her panties on... Still, she had a hard time controlling her shivers. The place was so gloomy... The aging lampposts barely lit the street, and the long shadows cast by the derelict building hid the pigeonholes making as many traps for the pedestrian. Jade did not see the car. A black vehicle. An American limousine, long and shiny, not meant to be discreet... It was parked in front of the factory entrance. But she saw the front door being opened; a man and a woman getting out of the limousine, blocking her way. One strong hand grabbed her forearm; another one pressed on her mouth. Her arms got twisted in her back, and her wrists were tightly bound together. Someone shoved her inside the old building. She felt something raping her mouth: gagged, she could not utter a sound. On her knees, she got pushed inside a cage designed to transport cattle. The prickle of an injection. Daddy! Jade sank into a nightmarish oblivion... |
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Report by Team 12, collection site 378 (encrypted
data transmission SSL256, May 3rd 2042, as intercepted by the BITC investigators):
The specimen has been seized in its natural environment.
It is a young grown-up female with red hair. Specimen was placed in a container
suited to be sent to our veterinary clinic.
It has been quickly domesticated (see the attached photographic
documents), provided with a medal wearing the name "Khadidja", and then
sent towards the trading location 8-43-1885...
Jade woke up, nauseating, when the box hit the ground.
Her whole body ached after been curled up for so long. Absentmindedly,
she noticed with sadness that her stockings had been ruined. But the woman's
voice brought her back to the terrifying reality.
"Domesticate her while I prepare the translator. And
don’t forget to make her write postcards."
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The three men helped her out of the container, and stared
at her, smirking. One of them, the driver, spoke to her.
"Welcome to the clinic. This is how we call this place,
the veterinary clinic... You've been abducted to be sold as a slave in
Africa, at the end of the 19th century... The nigger kings of the time
loved white meat... This is your future... Well, if one can call that a
future... Ah ah ah… Now, before we can send you there, you have to write
a few postcards that will be sent to your parents..."
Jade, her eyes widening in terror, shook her head. She
would have begged, but the adhesive tape made it impossible. The driver
smiled and faced the other men.
"We sure hoped you'd react this way! It will be fun to
domesticate you. You guys, prepare her. I’ll wait for you upstairs."
One of the men took hold of her, while another one came
forward, yielding a straight razor.
Almost delicately, he began to strip her chest. The razor
played with the blouse, ripping it slowly. Then came the bra: the ice-cold
blade run disgustingly over Jade's chest, cutting off the straps, revealing
her young breasts. The blond guy pulled off the tape gag, and Jade groaned.
The man who was holding her still pinched her boobs viciously,
while smoking his cigarette. The other thug shoved his callous hand under
her skirt and pulled down the flimsy panties, taking his time in between
Jade's thighs.
Then he removed her shoes and stockings.
The driver yelled: "Send her up, everything is ready."
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The dark-haired thug guided her towards the lift. While
the lift was going up, slowly and noisily, the man pressed himself against
the young girl, pushing his hard cock against her thighs, obscenely probing
her body with his strong hands.
The driver was waiting for them on the elevated platform
overlooking the warehouse. A hangman's noose hanging down the rafters cast
a sinister shadow over the crumbling walls. The man in uniform unzipped
his pants and showed his dick, already hard as a rock.
A violent push sent Jade flying towards the man's crotch.
The driver took hold of her hair and forced her to bend over his fierce
"Open it and suck me." The dick forced her mouth, and
the man's smell overtook Jade. The man was fucking her mouth rapidly, moving
her head back and forth along the length of his cock, pulling on her hair.
All the while, the second man spread her ass cheeks open and rammed his
own dick into her cunt. Jade yelped in pain.
"A brand new one; your owner will have a lot of fun with
you. Go ahead, move that ass, little whore."
They showed no mercy, using her as a worthless sex toy.
After they shot their load of cum, the two thugs pulled
her up and looped the noose around her neck.
Her panties still standing halfway up her legs, cum dripping
from her mouth and slit, she stood shakily on the elevated platform.
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A hissing sound, and the platform disappeared beneath her feet.
The rope tensed with a deep vibration, and suddenly constricted
Jade's throat while she lost her support. She screamed, or rather she tried,
because the noose crushing her neck prevented any sound but the faintest
Her jerking motions, while she tried to catch the edge
of the platform with her foot, only contributed to making things worse.
Soon, black clouds started dancing in front of her eyes. Her tongue darted
outside of her gaping mouth, and the meager air flow that she desperately
tried to suck in was like hot lead. She was loosing consciousness... Jade
was about to die.
And then she remembered. Summoning all her strength,
she closed her eyelids once... She reopened them. Closed them again...
Reopened them another time.
She thought she would never make it... But she did...
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"These will be sent regularly from Sidney and Melbourne,
so that your parents receive some news from you while an African leader
whores you out. Stand up now, we have to prepare you for the big jump…"
Once again, the machine pulled on the rope, forcing Jade
to stand up, right under the crane.
While someone locked irons around her wrists and ankles,
the dark haired man showed her her "transfer ID card".
" Back there, you will be Khadidja… So it says here…"
In front of her eyes, a bronze tag dangled from a fishing
hook, engraved with Arabic markings. Jade groaned when the hook bit into
her labia. But she groaned weakly. She was already in shock, somewhere
beyond pain. She felt a sensation of emptiness. What was this last horror,
compared to all that she had been submitted to? What could be worse than
her hanging and repeated rapes? Unfortunately, she didn’t know that the
worst was still to come. Was to come in the near future, but somewhere
in a past long forgotten by all but the unfortunate girls abducted by these
traffickers in human flesh.
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Just as everyone, Jade had heard about the Time Machine;
she had seen a couple of TV programs about it.
While they chained her to the lower part of the machine,
the driver gave her a few explanations.
"The time travel requires a tremendous energy shock, which
would send the body molecules flying into the universe but for the inertial
liquid. The difficulty is that the body must be entirely submerged into
the liquid. The energy release can only happen at that moment. At a time
when the lung are full... full of liquid, of course. Which means that you
are going to feel like you're drowning. This is just an impression though:
the liquid is enriched in oxygen and you will be able to breathe through
it. But your brain doesn't know that, and your suffering will be serious…
We use another technology for our own time travels. But
it's way more costly. Slaves are shipped just as goods.
Ok, there we are..."
The door clicked shut, and the glass tube started to
fill with some strange looking liquid. Jade saw herself drowning slowly.
She writhed and started to shriek… But she kept her mouth tightly closed.
The liquid reached her face and she rose on her toes, trying to escape
the rising tide, but the leg irons kept her in place. Blood was pulsating
violently on the side of her deformed face. Seconds were ticking… She couldn’t
hold it any longer, and she opened her mouth. The liquid rushed into her,
suffocating her immediately. When the energy shock rippled through her
body, dislocating her like a broken doll, Jade had already lost consciousness...
luckily for her.
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Report of trader 8-43-1885
(encrypted transmission SSL256 dated May 3rd 2042, intercepted by the BITC
The specimen Khadidja has been received according to
the usual procedures. Once again, I have to protest against the various
mistakes that occurred during the domestication process. The subject’s
rear end is no longer intact, which will generate great repair costs. Only
a highly skilled specialist can do such work, so that the specimen would
remain marketable.
She sneezed, spat, and avidly gulped the air that filled
her lungs once again. They took her out of the machine, and she crumbled
to the floor. The metal clang of her irons brought her back to reality.
Reality, and the memory of these dreadful moments she had just lived. Jade
understood that the nightmare was not over yet. On the contrary, it was
still very real. With a hot and dust-filled air...
Something pulled her chin up. Someone spread her thighs,
a foot brushed her belly, looking for the transfer ID card.
For the first time, she heard her slave name, pronounced
in a hoarse voice. A voice that knew how to pronounce Khadidja.
She opened her eyes.
- Khadidja ? That’s a strange name for a red-headed girl
like you. With such a white skin. Yes, I do speak your language. I went
to school with the Jesuits in Addis-Ababa. Houmed speaks it too... He learnt
French with the railroad workers...
The man who was speaking to Jade, while teasing her naked
and shivering body with the tip of a riding crop, was fat and dressed with
an ample Arabic garment.
- My name is Hassan Mohamed Kamil. And I am a well-known
slave trader. I have to admit that my suppliers from the future provide
me with first-rate merchandise. Which I sell for a high price to the local
sultans. Not stealing anything from them at that, since they take a lot
of pleasure with my slaves.
The man named Houmed spoke in his guttural language.
Amarha? Somali? Afar ? Jade didn’t know for sure. Her Oriental Languages
studies were a thing of the past...
- Yes Houmed. They’re all like that in Europe. Open and
hard-headed. But after a proper training, they make wonderful Babylon girls.
Isn’t that true, Khadidja?
He said a few words in this unknown language, and Houmed
unsheathed a large hunting knife that he slid in between... Jade’s thighs?
Out of respect for this unlucky young woman, because
of the sorrow I feel for her tragic plight, I will continue to refer to
her as Jade. I hope this will not bring confusion in the readers' minds.
Because in these dark places, in these uncivilized regions of eastern Africa
and Ethiopia at the end of the XIXth century, she will only be known as
slave Khadidja. Please forgive me this little digression...
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Houmed grabbed her hair, pulled her up and shoved her towards the ladder that allowed to reach the door. She was forced to step up the ladder, pulled up by her magnificent mane while Hassan teased her legs with his riding crop...
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In front of the door, another door. A hallway, at the
end of which she saw the night. High and heavy bars. And then another room
beyond this door.
A red glint generating from a burning brasero.
Houmed forced her to kneel down, and chained her to the
wall with a heavy steel collar.
- Tomorrow will be a day to remember. You will be turned
into a virgin again, and you will become mine officially. Until I put you
on the slave market. I'll find a good buyer, believe me. Good for me, that
He laughed viciously, and his fat belly jerked.
- I'm going to leave you with Houmed. He's dying to test
the goods. One piece of advice: let him do whatever he wants. You don't
want to try his whip!
As far as I'm concerned, I'll try you tomorrow in my
bedroom, which is more comfortable than this place.
Oh, I was going to forget... How must you address me
Jade cowered against the wall and couldn't answer the
- I am the father of my slaves, their Master. And this
is how you must call me. Abba. Repeat after me, Khadidja!
Jade shook her head, refusing to repeat this term that
lowered her to the rank of slave.
- No. My name is Jade, and you can't...
The riding crop fell briskly on her breasts.
- Repeat after me, Khadidja!
Once again, she shook her head and tried to step back
as far as possible...
The crop lashed her once more.
Jade tried to dodge the blow, to protect her chest, but
the chain was too short for her to move efficiently.
The crop landed precisely on target. Methodically, Houmed
whipped Jade’s defenseless body, aiming at the breasts, the pussy, the
thighs... Jade crawled, trying in vain to evade the blows. Then Hassan
stopped to catch his breath and to say a few words to Houmed.
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He went on laughing while repeating her name; he made
lie on the floor and forced his huge dick into her belly.
He fucked her for a long time, the chains clanging in
her ears. She almost choked on her collar, the man’s nails were drawing
bloody marks on her flesh with each push and the monstrous cock rammed
into her forcefully. The man was insatiable, and he took her mouth after
her pussy.
Her lips distended by the fat dick, she had no choice
but to suck, almost retching from the vile smell. Each time the member
hit the back of her throat she had to fight to keep her stomach down. When
Houmed was done with her, after he filled her mouth with his thick cum,
he cleaned himself with her hair, and left her panting, lying in pain on
the dirty floor.
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A feminine voice?
- Are you ok ? I'm in the cell right behind you. I'm
Emilie. I'm French, just like you. There's another slave in another cage.
Her name is Sofia.
Jade caught her breath, answered by giving her name and
asked where they were. Emilie was very talkative. Jade would have liked
to forget everything in a deep sleep, but the talking was nice too. Somewhat,
it brought back a familiar environment, even though she was still chained
inside the dark chamber.
- I've been here for ten days, as well as Sofia. They
keep us in these cages until we are completely healed...
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When at last she fell asleep, dead tired, a pinkish light ray
crossed through the bars and somewhere a muezzin chanted to announce to all
it was prayer time.
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