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I came to in the interrogation room. And I hid my face immediately. Dominique was here, wearing battle dress, with two men, wearing battle dress too. There was also the woman I have seen to be sentenced and who was going to be hanged. It was during the execution that I fainted out. This evening I dressed myself with a pink maid dress and I rejoined the doctor. His speechs made him thirsty and I had to serve him drinks. As usual, despite his mollyfying and paternalistic speech, he decided and sentenced himself. So the woman had been tried and death sentenced. Then I didn't know what it happened (now I know it, the woman, Agnès, has explained all ). First there was that sourish odour, then the full darkness, I passed out Lying at Dominique's feet, I was overcome with shame. I would want to be far away, to be died, so that Dominique don't see me as I was became : a hooker. - Leave me alone ! Don't look at me, I implore you. I am unworthy of you, I am a whore. I am not allowed to leave Colonia. Please. But save the young student. Before they kill her. She must be in the laboratory. Dominique looked at me, without telling any word, clenching his jaws. He turned his head to the woman, Agnès, and moved his hand near me. I felt a light sting and I fainted out. I don't remember anything about the time travel bringing me to the Dominique'century. So I'll write the next episode of the story using a narrator. Agnès had the feeling that she was run over by a steamroller. She was aching all over, her neck was stiff and her wrists grazed by the ropes was burning. The Prince and the guards entered Colonia as soon that Agnès bit the the neuro-paralizer gaz capsule. Sitting on a stool in the interrogatory room, where she took the Prince, the guards and unconscious Helen, Agnès was listening Helen moaning with shame. Until the Prince put her to sleep. - Do you know where the laboratory is, Agnès ? - Not really Master. But when they drove me to the gallow, we have followed corridors and we passed in front of a great room closed with grid. There was somebody groaning in. - Simon, you go with Agnès. But don't delay. The gaz has one hour effect. Paul you stay here with Helen. I have a job to finish. The chief is the man wearing a a two-piece suit. Is he ? - Yes Master, he is. Agnès knew what the Prince was going to do. Damaging the Helen's dignity, he thought he was responsible for her, they seriously offended his honour. And that, the Prince never forgave it. His law was Tallion'ones. Agnès remembered the Comte de Provence, who, after kidnapping the Prince's young slave-spouse, the Comtesse Laureline, was castrated and enslaved. His ass was put at male slave's disposal. He was death now. Ripped, his anus torn by all the things that the slaves drove in. Agnès preceded the guard and finally found the laboratory. The young student was here, chained, abjectly tortured. Agnès was nearly crying, to see her poor body torn to pieces by the whip, her nipples and her tongue crushed by clips, her distended intimate labias and her sex cut by the metallic sharp edge where they sat her. And the branding : fleisch. - What a pity ! Fleisch ? What is it ? - In german it means meat. I think. Agnès and Simon unbounded the poor tortured girl and she fainted out in the man's arms.
In the grotto where the little group was waiting for the temporal machine, Agnès was searching in her luggages some appropriate dresses for the two survivors, both sleeping and lying on a canvas, naked. Simon, the guard, was standing near the young student, watching her with this silly expression that the men in love have. He has obtained from the Prince, the permission to bring her to the future. She could be in a perillous situation if she stayed in 1984. It was the same thing with Helen and the Prince had decided to bring her. The Prince closed to Agnès. - You don't need to dress them. They are going to travel in freight sarcophagus. I call the Center. The bubble comes with a towing magneto-temporal field and three sarcophagus. - Why three? The Prince smiled : - Well. Because I would like to travel in cheerfull company. With citizens respecting their Lord. I don't mean to put up with a stubborn and insolent slave. - It means that I am going to travel in a... - freight sarcophagus. Yes you are going to do Agnès ! - Oh Master, you may not really sent me in it ! - Not only does I may do that but I am going to do that... Be carefull, it comes ! An unbearable light suddenly lit up the cavern and the bubble was here with the three sarcophagus. - You, pack Maria and Agnès in the cocoons cocons, I take care of Helen. The men worked. Agnès was quite packed. Paul, the guard, apologized : - I'm sorry Agnès, I have to obey. - I know that, but the Prince will pay for that... - shhhh... he do hear everything. That was right. The Prince had heard everything and he turned round, with a carnassial smile on his face. - Shove a vibrator in her pussy. Somebody tells me that the mixing between the electric fiel and the temporal field gives some very interesting results on the slaves' libido. Agnès squeaked when the guard forced the big vibrator in her vagina then a "mmmf" could be heard when put on the hood and pushed the gag in the Agnès's mouth. Through the transparent part of the hood, the Agnès's eyes flashed with anger. But a cloud of fear darkened them when Paul closed the hood valve. Now Agnès could only breath with her mouth and through the diffuser gag. And she knew what it was going to happen when she would be locked in the sarcophagus, when the liquid would reach her mouth, her nostrils. (*). Helen and Maria were put to sleep, they didn't feel anything. But she, Agnès would be fully conscious. The wings of the fear were flying around her mind when the frozen liquid reached her womb, creep into her sex quartered by the enormous gode. The vibrations suddenly grew with some tiny electrical discharges.. "Grrmmf" Agnès said when the liquid covered her breast. "Nnnngh" Agnès implored when the liquid reached her mouth, then her eyes, when it fully covered her head. She was trying to hold her breathe, although she knew it was vain. But the animal instinct was fighting the human reason. A sudden burst of revolt reared up her body."Oh Master you are a..." Then she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. Of her own free will. The feeling of drowning plunged Agnès in a panic terror. She was struggling in her bonds when the Prince started the machine. She was jerking in the cocoon when the temporal field intensified the electrical discharges of the gode When the blinding light of the machine lit up the grotto, Agnès was swept by a waves of pleasure that seemed they came up, they came up without never reaching the summit of the orgasm. |
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