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The Barbarian Princes
Venice, heady and mysterious. Indolent and capricious. So beautiful. Venice, a glorious past but an incertain futur. Turks and Austrians harass the Empire Marches, fight for possessions and commercial roads. Russia is a future power and Tsar has appointed Prince Sergueï Morozov to conclude a political and commercial alliance. The treaty is slowly built from official interviews to unofficial discussions. Prince is always seen like a curious stranger, a boorish barbarian, but little by little, Venice opens her doors to him. He is now received in that palaces they mirror in Gran Canale, those palazzi where the great venetian familys like to display themselves. Characters :
Sergueï Morozov
Fradentelli. Maestro
Giaccomo aka "la pancia" (the belly).
And Paolo, his assistant, a red hair dwarf. Agnès |
When water flew into her bowel, Eleonora braced herself screaming.
But as she was falling down again on the sharp edge of the rack, being impaled deeper, her delicate labias being twisted by the cruel clamp, her howl was strained with pain. Water was filling her up by mouth too and she was forced to swallow if she would not want to be choked. Eleonora painfully felt her belly unbearably swelling. But never mind the sufferings, she could only endure them in a frightening sensation of internal compression. Bladder, anus, intestines, esophagus, gullet, they were filled up like if they were ready to blow out. When the posterior filling was over, when the jar was empty, there were always that drops she saw falling down in the funnel widening her mouth. Drops, she was forced to swallow with difficulty and they were seeping inexorably into her, filling her more. She was swallowing and swallowing again with her rolled upwards eyes. She was feeling nauseous and her balloon like swollen body was overturning on an ocean of tortures... Long after, they snatched her from the rack and they corked her with that infernal apparels spiked with many asperities. Then they taken her to that stand where she was crossed, quartered with two long metal bars. It's sure, the full wineskin she was now become, was not hermetically plugged. She was leaking by all her holes. Drool, acid belch, nauseating water or urine were oozing out on her chin, on her breast, on her womb and on her thighs. They punished her for that. With cruelty. She didn't remember when she fainted out. She only remember the crops whipping her bloated belly. In a fog of nightmare, she heard the tormentors announcing the trial then she flopped down graspped by the chains. At last, she thought, never mind the judgement, never mind the condemnation, may that hell stop.
Interlude : warned by a maid of Palazzio Ziani, Prince Morozov requires Dona Eleonora freeing. |
Act 3, scene 3.
Will you go forward, you harlot ? CROWD ( yelling )
Harken, ye people of Venice ! This woman betrayed our beloved Republic. Because her crime, she will be sold to the Turks. But, before that, she will be subjected to a public chastisement. Her nose will be pierced and ringed. She will be cropped. She will be whipped in front of you and she will be branded with a whore mark. I am going to make her scream for your pleasure, my good fellows. |
If your nose is well stretched, it will be easily pierced. |
... the nice beast.
Stop moving, you slut ! My work is going to be spoiled. |
No Paolo, don't. After the whip. The burn will awake the trollop. |
( The crowd yells his approval )
PRINCE ( he just has cut Paolo's hand and he is threatening Maestro Giaccomo) :
PRINCE ( haranguing the crowd): People of Venice ! This woman has been tortured in front of you but she has been unjustly sentenced. The treason is a profligate lie. She has been sentenced to be sold like a slave. So I'm a buyer. Thousand golden ducats in that purse are the price I want to give. A price I offer to you, People of Venice. Take them ! They are for you, not for the scoundrels they wanted to soil Dona Ziani. (he throws the ducats to the crowd, women and men rush yelling their joy |
Act 3, scene 4.
( Prince has taken Eleonora on his horse. They are galloping towards the frontier. ) PRINCE :
ELEONORA (freed from the nightmare, she's recovering her irony ):
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One month later, fugitives arrived in Saint-Petersbourg.
Eleonora had nearly forgottent given sufferance and humiliations. Little by little she had found again the tender pleasure a man can give. Even if he is a Master and a dominant. Prince Morozov showed his city to her and was an attentive guide. PRINCE :
ELEONORA (smiling):
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The End
In Encyclopedia Universalis
"Unable to reform, with many debts (one hundred millions of ducats in 1790), Republique is just a gouvernment of treators and cowards. That « gouvernement traître et lâche » said Bonaparte. On its territory there is the franco-austrian war (1796-1797) ; after the massacre of Frenchs at Verona (17 avril 1797), Frenchs and Austrians decide to erase the millenarian estate : on may 12th 1797, the Great Council is dissolved and doge Daniele Manin let his place to the local jacobins, waiting for the austrian army (treaty of Campoformio, january 1798). What it remains from the empire is divided." My privilege of author let me imagine that an alliance between Russia and Venice could change History. Agnès